Cock & Ball Stretcher Black

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After a year of testing and sizing our design concept, we almost busted a nut when we tested the final version of our new sex toy! The super stretchy combo Cock &amp; Ball is completely unique and is so soft and comfortable when wearing it! When putting this unit on, make sure you stretch the cock ring over your entire cock and balls. After that, the ball stretcher will be dangling under your scrotum and just simply use both hands to gently stretch it over your balls. Believe us, you will not ever need to worry about losing your hard on with this toy. <br /><br />The Cock &amp; Ball Stretcher is made of SilaSkin which is our proprietary blend of Thermoplastic Rubber TPR and Silicone and is irresistibly soft and safe with water based lubes. Wash thoroughly with mild soap and water. The Cock &amp; Ball comes in black and opaque white.

Weight: 0.15625       Manufacturer: Perfect Fit Brand

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